Logo design

Зображення - Розробка логотипу від OwlWeb.Team

The logo should:

  • correctly and clear convey the main activities of the company;
  • be attractive;
  • quickly remembered;
  • inspire confidence in potential customers;
  • be recognizable;
  • carry in a definite meaning;
  • be original and adaptive;
  • make you stand out from all your competitors.
Image - Logo should be developed by OwlWeb.Team

Why it is worth ordering a logo design in OwlWeb team

A logo is not just a pretty picture. It should reflect the essence of the company, its main ideas, and values. For its creation, you have to do some research and make a detailed analysis of the business.

Our specialist approaches the task comprehensively, creating logos capable of conveying the necessary ideas to the audience.

The logo design process involves the development of several versions of each element. Designer's work requires special knowledge and skills, special programs, and techniques.

The creation of a logo should be entrusted to a professional graphic designer. Thus, you can get an effective and working tool to promote your business.

Image - development by OwlWeb.Team

You will create the logo: Sergey Snurnik/art director, graphic designer

He specializes in the system development of brand identity, for more than fifteen years, creating reliable, functional, and aesthetic brand identity systems for companies and startups worldwide.

Clients: Nike, Esquire, PFC CSKA, rally SILK WAY, Audi, and many others.

Sergey has a huge impact on the quality of the projects we do together due to his great experience. As he says, it is a pleasure to work with the new generation of creativity.

The results of our collaborations are as detailed, aligned, and goal-oriented as possible.

Image - Sergey Snurnik / art director

Examples of works

Stages of logo development:

01. Research
02. Generation
03. Iteration
04. Selection
05. Development
06. Delivery

Prices for a logo design:

Package Light
3-5+1 sketches, mocaps.
You get the files: AI, PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG, JPEG Logo versions: Pantone + CMYK + RGB
Standard package
10 thumbnails, mocaps,
logo manual.
You will get files: AI, PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG, JPEG Manual: PDF Logo versions: Pantone + CMYK + RGB
Advanced Package
20 sketches, mocaps,
logo manual.
You will get files: AI, PDF, EPS, PNG, SVG, JPEG Manual: PDF Logo versions: Pantone + CMYK + RGB