Types of information sites

Мета інформаційного сайту

An information website or portal is a resource that publishes various kinds of informational materials. As a rule, such sites are targeted at a certain category of readers. The purpose of such a site is to cover a single topic or answer a specific question, to convey information to a potential reader focused on a particular area, or to report news. Information sites are usually divided into two types: thematic sites and portal sites.

Thematic websites are information platforms that contain information about one specific topic, for example, beauty, sports, cooking, etc. Instead, a portal contains several topics. Of course, portal sites have a much more complex structure and may contain more subgroups.

Depending on the goal pursued by the site owner, these types of information sites are created.

The purpose of the information site

  1. News aggregators. Between 2 and 5 million news items are published in the world every day. The largest information resources, such as the BBC, can publish up to 300-700 news items per day. That's why it's impossible for anyone to read all of them, or at least the most important ones from all areas. For such people, services have been invented that collect information according to specified parameters and provide it in a sublimated, sorted form. This saves time, but keeps you up to date with all the important news.
  2. Aggregators can be of two types: automatic, when they automatically search, analyze and provide the information found, and manual, when the user submits information to the site, selected by himself through his personal account.
  3. Regional information portals. Regional portals are websites that unite participants by territorial, linguistic or other affiliation. For this purpose, regional news portals are created that publish various announcements, news and other information for a particular region.
  4. Blogs. Today, blogging is one of the most common occupations. This popularity is due to several things: ease of maintenance, no restrictions or rules for content, and freedom of creative flight. 
  5. Article sites. This is a slang name for a website that publishes articles on a specific topic, such as construction or culinary. Article sites can also be portals that publish articles on various topics.
  6. Web directories. The modern world, and the Internet in particular, is so saturated with various information that it is quite difficult and time-consuming to find or learn, for example, information about a company or people. That's why the idea of creating online directories came up. These are resources that contain cataloged information about various areas. For example, the information directory of Ukrainian enterprises provides information about various companies. The information on the resource is organized in a branched manner, where companies are classified by type of activity. Such directories not only provide information about a particular field of activity, but enterprising people and companies interested in promoting their business also advertise their products or services on these pages.
  7. Review sites. Many customers, before purchasing a particular item, are interested in how the product was rated by customers who have already purchased it. For a very high percentage of such people, this is almost a key factor in making a decision. In today's world, many not-so-conscientious sellers order positive reviews on their websites as hidden advertising. Therefore, there was a need to create separate sites with reviews of all products or products of a certain category. Where everyone who has bought something can honestly and openly publish their reviews.
  8. Question and answer forums. Forums are also an interesting option for information sites. A forum is a platform for people to communicate with each other on various topics. For example, carpenters, motorists, or any other area of interest. On forums, you can ask questions or, on the contrary, answer or give advice on the issues raised. These kinds of information sites bring like-minded people together, help them solve issues or assert themselves as professionals.

The importance of information sites

Information websites are becoming increasingly important in today's world of digital information diversity. First of all, it is an opportunity to convey your information to the addressee, whether it is city news, warning about an accident on a heating main, repairing a household appliance, etc. Another strong argument in favor of information sites is their narrow specialization, where there is no need to search for the information you need in tabs. Everything is clear, at hand, and always up-to-date.

For business, this is an indispensable thing, as such a site allows you to promote or advertise your product or service inexpensively and quickly. This way, you can quickly find customers and increase sales.

For creative and ambitious people, an informational blog is also a platform where they can realize themselves.

So, no matter how you slice it, news sites are an important niche for all areas of information life. The only thing that remains is to organize your plans technically and start developing an information site. To save time and nerves, it is better to turn to professionals. Our team of specialists will be happy to advise and answer all your questions.